
В ФАУ «Главгосэкспертиза России» в целях повышения уровня качества обслуживания заявителей, создания эффективной системы обратной связи между заявителями, разработки и реализации мер по улучшению качества обслуживания заявителей, а также в целях улучшения информированности заявителей о деятельности Учреждения, проводится оценка качества обслуживания заявителей.

Размер шрифта:ААА
Цветовая схема:ААААА

Cost Estimate Validation

The cost estimate of construction, reconstruction, major structural repairs of capital construction objects is subject to expert evaluation if financed  

  • from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation,
  • by legal entities established by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities,
  • by legal entities which registered (contributed) capital share  in the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities is over 50 %.

Specific cases in which FAI Glavgosexpertiza shall validate the сost estimate are specified in subparagraph b (3) and paragraph 4 of Regulation on the conduct of cost estimate validation of construction, reconstruction, major structural repairs of capital construction objects is subject to expert evaluation if financed  from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, by legal entities established by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, by legal entities which registered (contributed) capital share  in the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities is over 50 %, as approved by Resolution No. 427 of  the Government of the Russian Federation of  May 18, 2009.

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